Fun Ways To Eliminate Acne

Many ways to eliminate acne. Of chemical drugs more easily we encounter in a supermarket with prices in the millions until the stores close to home that cost thousands. But in addition to eliminating acne with chemicals, you also can use the materials around you to get rid of acne, one of which is to eliminate acne with lemon. In addition to easy and cheap to do, this treatment is also a natural treatment that is safe and free from risk.

Is this an effective way to remove acne?

If you want instant results, then maybe this way is not the best method because as usual the use of other herbal remedies, get rid of acne with lemon takes quite a long time but the results are permanent. Orange juice contains Vitamin C (citric acid) that high doses can clean the dead skin cells on the face. Addition of lime has long been known to cleanse the skin of excess oil. In some people this is the excess oil that causes acne.

Remove acne with lemon

Without length, here's how to get rid of acne naturally using lemon:

Lime and Honey

Prepare 1 teaspoon lemon juice and mix with 1 teaspoon of honey. Stir until blended. After wrapping apply on face and then let sit for 30 minutes or until it dries up. Once dry wipe with a towel that has been moistened with cold water.

Diligent Sports Overcome Insomnia?

Diligent Sports Overcome Insomnia? - If you decide to exercise at the fitness center for the expected benefits quickly overcome insomnia that you experience, the latest research says, it is not enough. Indeed, exercise can help insomniacs sleep better but scientists say that the impact is less.

"The idea of ​​this research came because my patients say that they heard that a good exercise to help you sleep soundly," said research author, Kelly Baron, director of the Behavioral Sleep Medicine Program at the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University in Chicago.

"But people generally want quick results., And they do not see the changes instantly. Therefore they become lazy again," he said as quoted by Health Day website edition August 15, 2013.

"The message here is sport not give quick results and I think this does not hinder that effort," said Baron.

Results of previous research, he continued, finding that the sport is more than 16 weeks is very effective to make a deep sleep, as part of the other treatments. But as well as weight loss or other changes in behavior, this does not happen instantly. You have to measure the progress of each month, instead of daily.

Baron and his colleagues publish the results of new research in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine online on August 15, 2013.

The research results appear after scientists examine the data more closely sleeping habits of people aged over 11 and women older medieval. All diagnosed with insomnia before starting activities were monitored for four months. Exercise does help you sleep soundly and be passionate in elderly women at the end of the four-month program.

Instead the results of this research also showed that exercise not only helps once you become more restful sleep that night. "Because it's the patient must make a plan, make a schedule of regular exercise," said Baron.

9 Effective Ways of Getting rid of Stress

9 Effective Ways of Getting rid of Stress - Healthy living is important, but without the happy sound that should not be. No need glamor and money to overcome or reduce the stress of work life, homes, and others. Many easy ways you can do to be healthy and happy, that is:

One By One.
What does he mean? Complete your work one by one. Do not be distracted by other tasks are still piling up, as it will only make your brain puzzler for thinking too much. Reduce the games on your PC, remove gadgets from your presence that may cause distraction to the work to be completed at that time. That way, you do not get distracted and focus you can get the job done in a timely manner.

Make a schedule.
Yeah, make a schedule in your diary about what you should do today. For example, the boss preparing meeting materials, meeting with important clients, take laundry home office, and so on. Write with ink of different colors in order to remain attractive and refresh the eyes. But, lest you absent or delayed until the schedule is not implemented. Learn to say "no" on the promises that are not too important at the time.

Laugh when your friend is no joke to lose your nerve of job strain. Remember that laughter is also a doctor's advice about simple oral health than chewing gum.

Walking, jogging, and even mopping and sweeping is a simple activity that does not take up a lot of money but still useful. If you have a maid at home, you can go sweep and mop the house on a weekend. Indeed simple but beneficial for the body. Or, take your time in the morning with a walk or jog. Do what you love to do more, which is important to keep moving.

Be Creative.
Doing something creative like painting, writing, playing a musical instrument can also reduce stress. Flower arranging or helping children chores crafts from school can be the alternative reduce stress. Events like this also helps you reduce the tedium of daily routine you normally do.

Seek For Peace.

What can make you calm? Most people would probably say the move or exercise such as yoga, pilates, and others. Not only that, bathing, reading, meditation, and even gardening in the backyard of the house can also calm the mind. Find an activity that can calm you and do every day.

Clean up.

If you do not have time to clean up the house padaweekdays, do it on a weekend. Dispose of items that are not important and just filled the space in your home. You can also rearrange the room and your wardrobe. If there are clothes that are not used anymore, you can contribute to a scavenger or may garner Charity Garage Sale for your social gathering with friends.

Do not be late.

This might be the most difficult to do when we are faced with dealing with traffic congestion in Jakarta or other constraints that ultimately make us late. But, try to arrive early. Provide the lag time for a job with another job. Allow extra time for grooming, or prepare the little things that are usually forgotten. More results are definitely better organized.

Fruits and Vegetables.

Fruits and vegetables are foods that can reduce stress because of its freshness. Eat fruits and vegetables as often as possible in order to stay fresh. Salad and salad can be your alternative to consume these foods.

Danger, drink coffee four times a day

Danger, drink coffee four times a day - No matter how big you are addicted to coffee, do not consume more than four cups a day. A study showed that excessive coffee consumption can increase the risk of dying young.

The study, conducted by researchers from the University of South Carolina showed men aged less than 55 years old who drank more than 28 cups a week had died young person is at risk 56 percent higher with a variety of causes. While in women, the risk is doubled compared with women who did not consume that amount.

"From our research, it seems safe to consume one to three cups of coffee a day," said a researcher Xuemei Sui, as reported by USA Today, Friday, August 16, 2013. "Drinking more than four cups of coffee a day can be harmful," said Sui who is also an assistant professor at the Arnold School of Public Health at the University of South Carolina, Columbia.

In a study published in the Mayo Clinic Proceedings, researchers recruited 43 727 men and women aged 20-87 years during 1971-2002. Sui defines one cup of coffee is 170-266 grams.

Furthermore, this study found no such risk in people with age more than 55 years. Researchers say there may be bias. Researchers may not include unhealthy elderly because they may be dead.

Reasons for the high risks of coffee consumption in people under 55 years old are not so clear, because the researcher during the study found both benefits and problems associated with coffee. Sui just say the caffeine in coffee can increase the average heart rate, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels. However, coffee is the main source of antioxidants.

Sui describes the study did not find a significant association between coffee consumption and mortality from heart disease. But, he said, more research is needed to look at the relationship between coffee and cancer. "Avoid drinking too much coffee," said Sui.

Want to Have a Healthy Skin? Try These Tips Apply

Tips to have a healthy skin - Everyone wants to keep their skin to keep it aesthetically good. If you do skin care properly, then your skin will radiate your beauty regardless of young or old. Skin care is an important part of a beauty regime for all ages. No matter based on heredity or aging, have an influence on the appearance of your skin. But there are many things you can do to slow the aging process.

Please follow these steps to younger-looking skin and bright:

Skin Protect 24 Hours
The most important thing in skin care is to protect the skin from the sun. So, you need to use SPF to keep your skin against the sun dank rim also works for blocking allergens into the open pores. In addition to protecting the skin from the sun all day, use a moisturizer at night is just as important to get the skin lush and dense. A night cream that has vitamin complex, vitamin C and E will work optimally on your skin while you sleep.

Avoid Smoking.
Smoking can cause many negative effects on the health of our bodies. As we already know that smoking can cause heart disease or cancer, but many may not know that smoking can cause discoloration of the skin on our bodies. By not smoking, your skin will look young and prevent other medical diseases.

Resting Enough
Good face is a pretty face. Get enough rest at night so that your eyes in the morning did not look tired or have dark circles in the morning due to lack of sleep. According to the foundation sleep adults need at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night.

Physical Activity
Exercise is not only healthy or just to maintain fitness, but also a medium to keep your skin to look younger. Doing sports or physical activity is essential to streamline the flow of blood into the body, which allows the recovery of cells and eliminate toxins through sweat. Regular exercise will make your skin look fresh and cool.

Drinking and Doing Diet Supplements
Increasing age, the skin loses decisiveness. Because skin cells, collagen and elastin begin to break down causing wrinkles or other skin damage. Going on a diet can be a lifesaver. Can help you keep your skin glowing and vibrant look. Eating a balanced diet is a nutritious way to get the effect of a diet that is healthy skin. Meals including healthy skin is made of low-fat dairy products, fruit (blackberry, blueberry, strawberry) walnuts, fish, cereals that contain wheat.
You can consider using a supplement containing vitamin A and E to improve the overall appearance of your skin. But a good idea to first consult with your doctor before deciding to use supplements.

Water intake is Enough
One natural way to extend your skin suppleness and elasticity of your skin and be able to moisturize your skin every day is to drink water 5-8 glasses of water per day.

Avoid use of Oil Products Causing Excess
If your skin is dry, you do not need to use substances or products containing oil into your skin too often. These products may clog your pores and cause your skin breakouts. If you are concerned with the products you use have a negative impact on your skin or find out more information safe use of the product, consult with your doctor first.

Get to know the nature of the Positive Blood Type A

Get to know the nature of the Positive Blood Type A - Some countries often hold hiring by their blood type, namely Japan, Korea and some other countries. They believe that a different blood type will bring personality and character of each character and become the owner of the blood group.

For the blood group A, there are some positive characteristics that need to be developed to achieve your life goals. These properties are unique and not all blood group has the positive properties.

1. firm

The blood type A have a firm and stubborn character. He would not say if it is not pleased him. Person A has the properties of establishment and firm on not easily swept trend or seduction. Sometimes because of this characteristic of the A was able to decide things on their own without the help of others because he is confident with his abilities.

2. Nobel Dreams

A man like dreaming, but he also has the action to make it happen. A man is working workers and not give up easily. Hard-hitting nature caused him to be to get what he wanted with his abilities.

In the process of reaching his dream is not easy A free and always optimistic with what he did to realize the dream. He will plan everything carefully in order to avoid failure. A man trying to reduce failures and planned with a head cold.

3. Survivor

Because it is hard unyielding and the A can survive well in the worst condition. A man likes to think positive and constructive spirit to be yourself life obstacles. A man will not be happy if he was easily discouraged, so if he falls he will be in a state of rapid rise and catch up. Person A also includes a patient person so he could survive in all conditions.